Legal, Drug and Alcohol Information Workshop

The Legal, Drug and Alcohol Information Workshop equips staff with a knowledge of legal, drug and alcohol information resources.

Course overview

This workshop focuses on the statewide Find Legal Answers and Drug Info services available through public libraries across NSW and online. The workshop builds the capacity of public library staff to answer enquiries about the law, drugs and alcohol. It focuses on why clients need to know about the law, drugs and alcohol, where to find information, and how to deliver law, drug and alcohol information programs to the community. The workshop also includes a standard drink demonstration.

Who is this course for?

This course is for staff working in NSW public libraries. The workshop will suit all levels of staff including new public library staff and those seeking to refresh their knowledge. 

If you are not working in public libraries, information about other courses available at the State Library of NSW can be accessed here.

Course delivery

Three and a half hour face-to-face workshop including a short break.

Learning strategies involve a mix of lecture style, group work, guided opportunities for participants to explore the Find Legal Answers and Drug Info website and a hands-on standard drink pouring demonstration.

The Find Legal Answers and Drug Info components of the course can be delivered as two separate workshops,

Learning outcomes

At the end of this workshop/course participants will be able to:

  • use plain language, locally available resources to locate legal information
  • assist clients to find information about drugs and alcohol
  • use the Find Legal Answers website to locate legal information
  • use the Drug Info website to locate information about drugs and alcohol
  • refer clients to agencies that offer legal or drug and alcohol advice and assistance
  • use the State Library website to find sources of assistance and information to assist public library staff to deliver services, programs and events to their communities.

What’s included? 

  • notes
  • access to computers or tablets to be provided by the host library
  • standard drink demonstration.


This workshop is free for NSW public library staff.

Host libraries are asked to provide catering for a short tea break.

Book a workshop at your library

The Legal, Drug and Alcohol Information Workshop is available to be delivered locally on request. To book a workshop session in your library please contact Public Library Services staff.

ALIA CPD scheme

If you are participating in the ALIA CPD scheme, you can claim this training as part of your CPD log.