Tips for writing articles

Tips to help your article stand out from the others.

When writing your article include the basics: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Include a headline that grabs the reader’s attention.

If you are writing about an event or program, consider that many libraries run similar events and programs. Tell us what makes your library’s event unique or successful. For example, provide a great photo, start with a quote from a participant, or tell us about the impact of this program on the wider community.

For longer articles, rather than retelling what happened on the day, tell us:

  • What you did
  • Why you did it: How does it fit the bigger picture, how does it meet a need or align with strategic plans?
  • How you did it: Did it require any problem-solving or innovative ideas? What were the challenges faced and how did you overcome them?
  • Who you worked with: Did you work with any new client groups or develop new partnerships?
  • Promotion: How did you promote or communicate your program or service?
  • What was the impact on the people involved or the local community?
  • Were there any lessons learned or can you give any advice for other libraries doing something similar?

We’d also like to hear about how you work with targeted client groups, such as:

  • early childhood
  • children
  • youth
  • local studies 
  • active retirees
  • housebound / home library
  • indigenous
  • multicultural
  • people living with disabilities
  • homeless.