List of withdrawn titles

This list was created as a result of feedback from the LIAC public library Forum. The following books or old editions have been removed from the collections since April 2009, and should be removed and discarded.

This list should be used in conjunction with the Tool Kit and Law Books for Libraries current lists, to ensure your collections are up to date.

Titles/editions removed from the Tool Kit since 2009

List updated August 2023

Titles/editions Date removed
The bankruptcy handbook. 2nd ed December 2013
The boarders & lodgers legal information kit November 2012
Companion animal law guide NSW. 2nd ed May 2023
Debtors’ guide to local courts in NSW. 3rd ed November 2009
Defend yourself: facing a charge in court
3rd ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed July 2014
The families handbook: a guide for families and friends of prisoners April 2018
Family law handbook
5th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed April 2019
Fined out: a practical guide for people having problems with fines
5th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed February 2021
Guilty your honour: representing yourself in NSW local courts when charged with drink driving
Now available online only
April 2015
Just a piece of paper? Making your AVO work for you
4th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed April 2018
The law handbook: your practical guide to the law in NSW.
15th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed February 2020
Neighbours and the law
2nd ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded.
Previous edition removed June 2017
New land new law: a guide to the legal system in NSW. 2nd ed April 2010
Rest assured: a legal guide to wills, estates and funerals in NSW
6th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed July 2019
Rough deal: a plain English guide to drug laws in NSW. 2nd ed November 2009
Seniors guide to consumer rights in NSW
2017 latest issue. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed April 2018
Sex and the law: a guide for health and community workers in
November 2012
Sexual assault: your rights and the law
Replaced with Women and sexual violence law . 2nd ed
May 2023
Share housing survival guide April 2018
Speaking for myself: planning for later life decision making
2013 latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed December 2013
Strata living April 2019
Surviving rape: a handbook about rape for survivors, family,
friends and workers. 4th ed
November 2012
Tenants’ rights manual: a practical guide to renting in NSW May 2021
Women and family law
12th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded. Note: the 12th edition is ONLINE ONLY. A new hard copy edition will be released in mid 2024
Previous edition removed February 2020
Working the system: a guide for citizens, consumers and
communities. 2nd ed
December 2013
Your day in court: a guide for victims of crime who are witnesses in
November 2011
Youth justice: your guide to cops and court in NSW April 2019

Titles/editions removed from the Law Books for Libraries core list since 2009

Titles/editions Date removed
Aboriginal wills handbook: a practical guide to making culturally appropriate wills for Aboriginal people
3rd ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed July 2020
Associations and clubs law in Australia and New Zealand August 2018
Australian legal system (Nutshell series)
5th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed July 2016
Bluett’s local government handbook New South Wales
18th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed May 2019
Criminal law
8th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed May 2019
The criminal trial: courtroom practices, policies and procedures July 2020
Discrimination law and practice
5th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed May 2019
Discrimination toolkit: your guide to making a discrimination complaint
4th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed January 2022
Emergency law: rights, liabilities and duties of emergency workers and volunteers
4th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed January 2014
The environmental law handbook: planning and land use in NSW January 2022
Family matters (DVD) August 2018
15 years of native title (DVD) July 2014
Home building and the law April 2009
Horsley’s meetings: procedure, law and practice. 7th ed August 2023
Incorporation: an explanation of the Associations Incorporation Act July 2016
Independent social security handbook. May 2015
The justice maze (DVD) March 2017
Land law
7th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed August 2018
Law and medical practice: rights, duties, claims and defences.
3rd ed
May 2015
The law and you: legal information for African communitites in NSW (DVD) May 2019
LexisNexis concise Australian legal dictionary
6th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed January 2022
Libraries: a copyright guide
(Replaced by new edition called ‘Libraries and copyright’)
July 2016
Libaries and copyright
2022 latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed August 2023
Mining law in NSW: a guide for the community March 2017
Mortgage rescue DVD November 2010
The mortgage stress handbook: a practical guide for people having trouble with their mortgage
4th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed May 2019
Native title stories: rights, recognition, relationships (DVD) July 2014
The practitioner's guide to civil litigation January 2022
The rights stuff: tips for making complaints and solving problems April 2009
Sex industry legal kit August 2018
So you have to go to court (DVD) August 2018
Stewart’s guide to employment law
7th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed January 2022
Torts. 6th ed May 2019
Traffic offences and accidents. 4th ed January 2014
Under the law: an introduction to the legal rights & responsibilities of Australian residents (DVD) May 2019
Understanding your legal rights: a guide for lesbians and gay men
in NSW
April 2009
What's the law? Australian law for new arrivals (DVD) May 2019
Titles/editions Date removed
About native title July 2014
Animal law in Australia August 2018
Australian business law May 2019
Australian courts of law. 4th ed June 2012
Australian human rights law August 2018
Australian master tax guide
Two editions are published per year: the year end edition and the tax year end edition. You do not need to purchase both. Please ensure your copies are not more than a year old.
New editions published every year
Bush law handbook: a practical guide to law on the land in NSW. 2nd ed July 2013
Campaigning and the law in NSW: a guide to your rights and responsibilities November 2010
Caring for country: a guide to environmental law for Aboriginal
November 2012
Children and the law in Australia
2nd ed latest edition. Earlier edition should be discarded
Previous edition removed March 2017
Civil procedure
4th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed August 2018
7th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed July 2014
Court and tribunal fee waiver manual April 2010
Criminal laws: materials and commentary on criminal law and process of NSW.
7th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed July 2020
Elder law in Australia July 2020
Finding a way: case studies in disability discrimination law November 2010
Get youth to it: youth rights and responsibilities in public and
privately owned spaces (Video/DVD)
February 2016
Health care and the law August 2018
The immigration kit: a practical guide to Australia’s immigration
10th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed December 2011
Indigenous legal issues: commentary and materials
4th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed November 2009

Indigenous legal relations in Australia
Replaced by new edition: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal relations 2nd ed

May 2019
Introducing the law August 2018
Joe’s conference: what happens at a youth justice conference (Video/DVD) February 2016
Labour law. 4th ed November 2009
Learn more about family trusts & ownership of assets by
individuals, partnerships, companies and trusts
November 2010
Legal terminology August 2018
Maternity at work April 2010
A practitioner’s guide to civil litigation. 3rd ed
4th ed latest edition, now in Core collection. All earlier editions should be discarded.
Previous edition removed July 2014
A practitioner’s guide to criminal law. 3rd ed April 2010
A practitioner’s guide to family law. 4th ed July 2014
Protecting human rights in Australia: a community education kit November 2012
Public and environmental health law May 2019
Public health: law and regulation May 2011
Retreat from injustice: human rights in Australia August 2018
Rural landholder’s guide to environmental law in NSW. 3rd ed July 2013
Sport and the law August 2018
Sports law
4th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
August 2023
Understanding law: an introduction to Australia’s legal system
9th ed latest edition. All earlier editions should be discarded
Previous edition removed January 2022
Using disability discrimination law in NSW November 2010
Working with native title: linking native title and council processes. 2nd ed November 2009