Promotional material

PLS provides public libraries with material to help promote the Find Legal Answers service

PLS provides you with material to help you promote your Find Legal Answers service. These are all available free of charge - to order, please use the online order form.  

Order Online

Tool Kit stand

  • Tool Kit stand - LIAC will order for you, and the supplier will send the stand and invoice directly to you.  Contact Catherine to order a stand.
  • Tool Kit stand sign - large or small
  • Tool Kit stand sticker


  • Find Legal Answers brochure - double-sided DL promoting Find Legal Answers in public libraries and online
  • Seniors flyer - double-sided DL promoting Find Legal Answers and Drug Info resources for seniors
  • Youth flyer - double-sided DL promoting Find Legal Answers and Drug Info resources for youth
  • Legal information in many languages/Drug and alcohol information in many languages - double sided DL promoting legal and drug and alcohol information in languages other than English


  • Dealing with debt bookmark
  • Neighbours and the law bookmark
  • Rest assured bookmark

Book stickers

  • green Tool Kit stickers
  • black Find Legal Answers stickers for your Law Books for Libraries collection


  • Tool Kit flyer - for display in your Tool Kit to let clients know what's available in the collection and online 
  • Law handbook flyer - use this to promote the Law handbook, and the fact that it's available in full text online. 


  • Find Legal Answers pull up banner - we can give one banner to each library service to promote the service within the library or to use at special events such as Law Week.  Extra banners can also be sent out on loan for special events.


Brochure stand stickers

  • Find Legal Answers brochure stand stickers