Youth Week promotion

Use your Drug Info resources to promote awareness of alcohol and illicit drug use to young people

Many libraries are involved in events and activities during Youth Week. You can use your Drug Info resources to promote awareness of alcohol and illicit drug use during Youth Week and at other times of the year.  

a group of youth in silhouette

Social Media

One of the simplest ways to let your community know about alcohol and illicit drug use, and where to get help, is via social media. Check our youth social media campaign to find sample posts and images to use across your channels. 

Ideas for Activities

Drug Info activity booklet

Use the Drug Info activity booklet for inspiration. The activity booklet features a range of suggestions for incorporating Drug Info into your library programming, including a section on young people.

Drug facts

Use your Drug Info collection, including the NSW Health Drug Facts booklet collection as inspiration and resources for the following activities during Youth Week:

  • Distribute Drug Info's A4 Drug Info quiz poster around study desks and your library's youth area. The quiz is accessible via QR code. Distribute Drug Info showbags to students who present a completed quiz screen at the desk.
  • use PCs or mobile devices and test people's knowledge about drugs and alcohol in the Quiz Room (Your Room)
  • make a graffiti art wall on poster paper with facts about drugs, slogans, myths and messages about where to get help
  • host a scavenger hunt – offer drug fact related questions. When participants answer correctly you can give them a tip on how to find the next clue. Whoever gets to the finish line first wins a prize! 
  • use the Know Your Drug Facts Activity Sheet to run a group activity
  • hold your own mini drug and alcohol expo with an info display of Drug Facts booklets, Know Your Standards resin kit and related books.
  • create a poster for your event or use the NSW Health Drug Facts booklets covers (print images from the Your Room website)
  • team up with your local CDAT or other community organisation to host a drug and alcohol free event in your library or local area and use the kit to provide drug fact information
  • hand out promotional packages and show bags
  • set up a poster display in your library foyer or throughout your library space
  • display the Drug Info collection of books and pamphlets. 

Make a mocktail

Use the Literary Mocktails resources to hold a mocktail making demonstration or serve mocktails at your youth-related event. You could also hold your own literary-themed mocktail competition.

Drug Info website

The drug and alcohol information for young people page contains links to relevant information and youth support services as well as resources for school students.

Videos Animations of lightbulbs with faces

The Respect Your Brain animated video series focuses on the impact of five drugs commonly used in Australia and explores the way these drugs affect a young person’s developing brain. The videos explain how different drugs can affect brain development and which areas of the brain are affected. The videos are supported by more in depth information including where a person can seek help for drug and alcohol issues, and links to more drug and alcohol facts.

Learn more at Your Room

Promotional material

Promotional material items such as pens, postcards, Know Your Standards pocketcards and showbags are available to order for your event or activity.

Tell us about your event

Let us know about your event or activity via our online form.