Drug Info for public libraries

Information for public library staff about the Drug Info service.

Managing your Drug Info service

Information for public libraries about how to manage the Drug Info service in your library

Managing your collections

Information for public libraries about updating and managing the Drug Info book and pamphlets collections

Promotions and Partnerships

Drug Info provides you with material to help you promote your Drug Info service. 

Drug Info social media

Resources to assist in promoting Drug Info through your library's social media channels.

Drug Info training

Drug & alcohol information training offered to NSW public library staff.

Drug Info forms and reporting

Report your Drug Info related events and request items using the following forms. 


Drug & Alcohol Info Pop-Up

The Drug & Alcohol Info Pop-Up is a travelling interactive information display providing access to quality drug and alcohol information for the community. 

Drug & Alcohol Info Events Kit

A Drug Info events kit is available for loan from Drug Info for libraries wishing to hold outreach activities.