
Attendance reporting

The State Library provides quarterly reports to Telstra and the NSW Government outlining the number of training sessions delivered, seniors trained and training locations.

After each training session, the trainer must complete an online survey and enter the number of attendees. The trainer must also ask participants to complete an online survey.

We recommend that you keep a record of attendees at each training session for your own records.

Online survey

An online survey has been developed by Telstra, which is being used by libraries and training providers across Australia.

There are two versions of the online survey – one for participants and one for trainers.

At the end of each session the trainer must ask participants to complete the online survey.

The trainer must complete an online survery after each session.

You can find more information in the Tech Savvy Seniors Evaluation Guide

Online participant survey in languages

Translated versions of the online participant survey are available below. 


Greek paper form - online survey not available. Participants should fill in the paper form and the trainer add the responses to the trainer online survey.




Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese

Vietnamese paper form - online survey not available. Participants should fill in the paper form and the trainer add the responses to the trainer online survey.

Photography permission

Photography permission form


At the end of the financial year, libraries will be asked to complete a grant acquittal report via an online link. The report will include:

  • The number of training sessions provided
  • The number of seniors who attended each training session
  • How you worked in collaboration with other council or community organisations
  • How you promoted the program in your community
  • Feedback from participants
  • Summary of how funds were spent (not required for libraries delivering CALD sessions with ECC trainers).

We also encourage you to share any photos, videos or testimonials from participants. 

Any information that you provide may be used by the State Library, Telstra or the NSW Government to promote the Tech Savvy Seniors program.

Please note that libraries offering CALD training sessions using ECC trainers will be asked to complete a report, but do not need to provide information about how the grant was spent.