Right to information

The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act):

  • creates rights to information that are designed to meet community expectations of more open and transparent government;
  • encourages government agencies to proactively release government information.

Accessing corporate information

There are a number of ways you can access State Library corporate information without submitting a formal access application.

  • Contracts Register: lists contracts worth more than $150,000 between the Library and private sector bodies.
    View the Contracts Register

  • Policy documents: links to policies and procedures that affect, or are likely to affect members of the public.
    View policy documents

  • Links to documents tabled in Parliament about the Library by, or on behalf of, the State Library.
    View documents tabled in Parliament about the Library 

  • Information on the State Library of NSW website. 

  • A service point in the Library.

  • Staff who may have the information you are looking for.

The State Library proactively releases information to the community about our operations, services, functions, activities and policies. Much of this information can be viewed on the State Library website under About the Library, Legislation and policies, Services, Using the Library or in our Annual Report.

View the NSW Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
View About the Library
View Legislation and policies
View our latest Annual Report

Applying for information

If the information you seek is not available via one of the ways listed above then you may need to make a formal access application under the GIPA Act. 

The Right to Information Officer will check whether the information you seek is available before you make a formal access application.

Contact the Right to Information Officer


Requests to produce documents: subpoenas, summons, statutory notices and orders

For information about the approach of Library for dealing with and responding to subpoenas (and other legal instruments) seeking access to library collection material and/or corporate records for legal proceedings, please refer to following pages:

Policy: Requests to Produce Documents: subpoenas, summons, statutory notices and orders

Service of a subpoena