Drug Info social media

Social media can be one of the most effective ways to communicate with your library users. On this page you will find a range of images, suggested social media text, and other resources to help you promote healthy messages about alcohol and other drugs to your library community.

What's on this month

It is always a good time to promote your library's drug and alcohol information service, and to share important messages around the use of alcohol and other drugs. There are a number of opportunities each month to align your social media messaging with special events, awareness days, and other calendar highlights. 

Drug Info social media resources

Drug Info word cloud

Drug facts from A to Z, accompanied by colourful drug-based word clouds.

Drug Facts

Get the facts about drugs with colourful icons and interesting facts

Drug Info social media campaigns

Summer mocktails

Promote healthy alternatives to alcohol over the festive season with Drug Info's summer mocktails

Mocktails social media

Social media resources to promote literary mocktails

Alcohol - Get the Facts social media

Find a social media campaign to promote the new video Alcohol - get the facts

Youth campaign

Find a social media campaign promoting information about the law, drugs and alcohol for young people

Seniors campaign

Find a social media campaign you can use during the Seniors Festival

Campaigns from other organisations

NSW Health social media resources

Find resources to promote the Your Room website and other social media campaigns from NSW Health

Every Moment Matters

Resources to promote the Every Moment Matters campaign from the Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education

The Facts About Vaping

Social media resources, posters and factsheets to support the Get the Facts About Vaping campaign from NSW Health