Early language and literacy in NSW public libraries

Welcome to the online toolkit for the Early language and literacy in NSW public libraries framework

Preschool storytimes are a popular library program for children and their families.  Early learning in libraries encompasses the children and their parents and caregivers across some key stages of development: 

  • early talkers (birth to approximately 18 months)
  • talkers (approximately 18 months to three years)
  • pre-readers (approximately ages three to five years)

The Early language and literacy in NSW public libraries: Framework for developing and evaluating early literacy sessions provides guidance for public library staff to ensure these sessions optimise their early literacy and early learning impact.  The toolkit contains helpful tips, guidelines and templates that can be downloaded from the website. 

The NSW state-wide research project that developed the framework was led by Dr Emilia Djonov in collaboration with Dr Jane Torr and Dr Maree Stenglin.


Community analysis

When planning a series of early literacy programs for a community, public library staff are encouraged to complete a community analysis.

Planning and evaluation

How to plan and evaluate effective early literacy sessions.

Early language and literacy domains

Foundational early literacy skills are are essential for learning to read and write.