Preparing for Law Week

Law Week is a nationwide initiative to promote community awareness and understanding of the law, the legal system and the legal profession.

Courts, legal agencies, solicitors, barristers, police and of course public libraries are all encouraged to get involved. It’s a wonderful opportunity for you to promote the Find Legal Answers resources and service to your community. 

Anyone visiting your library may need legal information - they may be having a problem with their rental home, be going through a divorce, have a traffic fine they can't pay or are trying to negotiate a new fence with their neighbours. Libraries can provide information about many everyday legal issues. Whatever event you're planning - from hosting a legal webinar or guest speaker to having a display - Law Week is a great time to let your community know that the library is a source of legal information.

Law Week is being held from May 20-26 2024. 

More information will be added to this page as we get closer to Law Week.

Register your event

Help people find your event, and let everyone know that libraries present a range of programs during Law Week. Registration on the NSW Law Week website will be available soon.

Social media

One of the simplest ways to let your community know about the law and where to get help is via social media. Check our legal information social media campaign to find sample posts and images to use across your channels. 

Top up your Find Legal Answers promotional material in time for for Law Week using our online form

Community talks

ID Support NSW 

ID Support NSW offers a variety of community programs for a wide range of audiences. Their presentations are designed to educate and inform NSW customers on:

  • What to do if your proof of identity documents or credentials are ever stolen or fraudulently accessed
  • How to mitigate the risks of online threats and scams
  • How to spot a phishing attack
  • How to enable safety protocols and features on your devices to safeguard your personal information.

You can request a talk using their Book a session form.

Scams quiz

If you're hosting an event about scams, you can display one of the posters below. The posters have a QR code that links to a quiz dealing with different types of scams.

Posters zip file  

Anti-Discrimination NSW

Anti-Discrimination NSW offers free online or in-person information sessions for community groups. The sessions cover how to recognise when unfair treatment may be against the law and when it's not and how to recognise, address and report discrimination.  

Find more information and contact details.

Hosting an event with a speaker

Many libraries have existing relationships with a local solicitor, their local community legal centre or a government agency and arrange talks on a variety of legal topics.

If you have arranged a community legal education talk, remember to let the speaker know about the that the Find Legal Answers service. Show them the Tool Kit and point out any relevant resources. Ask the speaker to refer to the Tool Kit in their talk if they can. Also show the speaker any pamphlets you have ordered. Often lawyers have no idea of the plain language resources available in libraries, and it's a great opportunity to promote them. 

Make sure you have a Tool Kit available for the participants to see and use. If it's possible, have the Find Legal Answers website on display. The participants will be able to see the wealth of legal information available in books and online.

Please contact Catherine if you would like a copy of a short presentation you can use when hosting an event. The presentation briefly introduces the Tool Kit and the Find Legal Answers website.

Ordering free pamphlets and books

If you are planning an event on a particular legal topic, there may be a useful free pamphlet or booklet you can order and give away to your audience. Multiple copies of pamphlets on a variety of legal topics can be ordered directly from the supplier. You should also highlight the relevant titles from the Tool Kit and Law Books for Libraries collections. 


You can find relevant pamphlets on our Pamphlets page - this has some suggested pamphlets, as well as links to the publications pages of agencies including Legal Aid NSW. Many pamphlets can be ordered in community languages.

Neighbours and the law

If you're planning an event dealing with neighbours, you can order free copies of the book Neighbours and the law to give away (maximum of 20 copies per library). 

The book is an easy to understand guide to the different areas of law that are involved in neighbourhood issues and disputes. It covers areas that commonly cause problems between neighbours including dividing fences, retaining walls, overhanging branches, animals and noise.

Order Neighbours and the law

Tell us about your event

When the week is over, don't forget to report your event or activity.