
About indyreads

The indyreads platform provides public libraries with free access to eBooks and eAudio.

The aim of indyreads is to ensure NSW public libraries can offer their users a diverse collection of quality Australian and international published works. indyreads is intended to complement the collections held by public libraries and support libraries to meet the demand of their readers.

Content available on indyreads includes: 

  • Australian authors and independent publishers
  • International independent publishers
  • Classic fiction, including modern classics
  • Library professional publications
  • Award winners
  • Simultaneous use titles for books clubs
  • NSW local studies content
  • Best examples of self-published material
  • Collections in languages other than English: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese.
  • Material to learn English
  • Untapped: Australian Literary Heritage Project collection

indyreads is free for NSW public libraries. 


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