Law Books for Libraries core collection - list of titles

List of titles: August 2023

Law Books for Libraries collection checklist

Aboriginal wills handbook: a practical guide to making culturally appropriate wills for Aboriginal people. 3rd ed

Author Vines, Prue Yellow book cover with the words Aboriginal wills handbook
Publisher NSW Trustee and Guardian
Date 2019
ISBN 9780646587769
Price Free
Also available Online
Summary Explains why making a will is very important for Aboriginal people, and gives guidance in making culturally appropriate wills. Includes chapters on inheritance laws in NSW, problems created for Aboriginal people by the law, the advantages of making a will, and the formal requirements for making a will.
Author Meek, Michael Cover for Australian legal system. 5th ed
Publisher Thomson Reuters
Date 2016
ISBN 9780455233727
Price $47.00
Summary Provides a concise outline of the Australian legal system, including the history and structure of the law, criminal and civil proceedings, legislation, common law, equity, the doctrine of precedent, and the operation of parliament, the executive and the courts.

Bluett’s local government handbook New South Wales. 18th ed

Author Clark, David Book cover showing image of a flower
Publisher Thomson Reuters
Date 2017
ISBN 9780455500522
Price $218.00
Summary Provides an introduction to all aspects of NSW local government law, including the functions of councils and how they operate. Contents include environmental protection, waste management, roads, and control of pets.

Butt's land law. 7th ed

Author Edgeworth, Brendan Book cover showing a field of crops
Publisher Thomson Reuters
Date 2017
ISBN 9780455229478
Price $191.00
Summary Provides comprehensive coverage of all areas of land law in plain English, including information on co-ownership, leases, easements, covenants, mortgages, Torrens title, Crown lands, and native title

Criminal law. 8th ed

Author Wilson, Robert Book cover with graphics of shells
Publisher Thomson Reuters
Date 2018
ISBN 9780455241197
Price $45.00
Summary Clearly explains the principles of criminal law and highlights key cases and legislation. Contents include information and explanation of offences such as homicide, manslaughter, assault, and property offences, as well as discussion of defences.

Discrimination law and practice. 5th ed

Author Ronalds, Chris and Elizabeth Raper Book title on a green and red background
Publisher Federation Press
Date 2019
ISBN 9781760021986
Price $84.95
Summary Provides an analysis of unlawful discrimination including direct and indirect discrimination, reasonable adjustments and harassment. It also discusses discrimination in the areas of employment, education, and the provision of goods and services, as well as vilification and racial hatred, victimisation, bullying, and the remedies available in discrimination claims.

Discrimination toolkit: your guide to making a discrimination complaint. 4th ed

Publisher Central Tablelands and Blue Mountains Community Legal Centre, Kingsford Legal Centre and Legal Aid NSW Book cover, includes five images of people
Date 2021
ISBN 9780646472621
Price Free
Also available Online
Summary For people who believe they have been discriminated against and want to do something about it. It looks at discrimination basics, what you can do about it, courts and tribunals, and getting help.

Emergency law: rights, liabilities and duties of emergency workers and volunteers. 4th ed

Author Eburn, Michael Book cover with image of car accident
Publisher Federation Press
Date 2013
ISBN 9781862879362
Price $59.95
Summary A concise guide to the Australian law that applies in a civil emergency and to emergency services. It clearly outlines the rights, obligations, liabilities and duties of those who provide emergency care, whether paid or volunteer, trained professional or Good Samaritan.

Environmental and planning law in New South Wales. 5th ed

Author Couzens, Ed et al Book cover with an image of rocky mountains
Publisher Federation Press
Date 2021
ISBN 9781760022594
Price $125.00
Summary A comprehensive book for anyone interested in environmental planning, protection and regulation in NSW, covering areas including land use planning, development control, environmental impact assessment, heritage and pollution.

It's your constitution: governing Australia today. 2nd ed

Author Saunders, Cheryl Cover for It's your constitution governing Australia today. 2nd ed
Publisher Federation Press
Date 2003
ISBN 9781862874688
Price $35.00

A plain language guide to the Australian Constitution.

Note: Although this book was published in 2003, it is still current as there have been no changes to the Constitution.

Joske's law and procedure at meetings in Australia. 12th ed

Author Elisabeth Peden and Wayne Muddle Plain black book cover
Publisher Thomson Reuters
Date 2021
ISBN 9780455501666
Price $179.00
Summary Explores the various sources of law that govern meetings in Australia: common law, the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and statutory law governing meetings of unit title and strata title companies in all Australian jurisdictions.
Note Useful for those wanting more detailed information about meetings, including people who live in strata housing or are on sporting or other committees.
Publisher LexisNexis Book cover, white background with words on a blue circle
Date 2020
ISBN 9780409338447
Price $99.00
Summary Contains over 11,000 terms in 100 subject areas.
Publisher Australian Copyright Council Yellow background with words "Libraries and copyright" in white
Date 2022
ISBN 9781920778361
Price $60.00
Summary Discusses copyright law as it applies to libraries and includes guidance on Australia's 'safe harbour scheme' (takedown notices) as it impacts libraries.

The mortgage stress handbook: a practical guide for people having trouble with their mortgage. 4th ed

Publisher Legal Aid NSW Cover for Mortage Stress Handbook
Date 2019
ISBN 9780980612806
Price Free
Also available Online
Summary This easy to read handbook discusses the options available to those experiencing problems with their mortgage. It includes sample letters and forms.

Stewart’s guide to employment law. 7th ed

Author Stewart, Andrew Book cover with image of glass city buildings
Publisher Federation Press
Date 2021
ISBN 9781760023157
Price $99.00
Summary Covers areas including employment law, who is an employee, special types of employment, the employment contract, the National Employment Standards, awards, enterprise agreements, remuneration, working hours and leave, termination of employment contracts, remedies for unfair termination, and industrial action.

Taking care of business: planning ahead for Aboriginal people in NSW

Publisher NSW Trustee and Guardian Cover for Taking care of business: planning ahead for Aboriginal people in NSW
Date 2015
Price Free
Also available Online
Summary A companion the Aboriginal wills handbook, this booklet is an easy to read introduction to wills, powers of attorney, enduring guardianship and advance care planning for Aboriginal people.


Please note: prices are correct at the date of publication of this list. Please check with the publishers for all current pricing.