Advice and best practice

The State Library's Public Library Services team provides specialist advice and support to all local councils providing public library services to the people of NSW.


The Library Act and Regulation are key to the provision of NSW public library services.

Library Council Guidelines

The Library Council of NSW issues guidelines for NSW public libraries under section 10(5) of the Library Act 1939

Public Libraries Consultative Committee

The PLCC provides policy advice to Library Council and acts as a consultative framework for key public library stakeholders in NSW

Strategic Network Committee

The Strategic Network Committee advises on public library collaborative activities, monitors emerging trends and supports research projects to develop and review the NSW public library network.

Research Projects

The State Library works with NSW public libraries on a program that supports the promotion, planning and development  of research relevant to the library sector.

Community and engagement

Information on the value of public libraries, promoting libraries and templates to use when surveying the community.

Strategy and planning

The State Library has developed publications and guidelines to assist libraries and councils with planning in a range of scenarios, including future and disaster planning.

FAMOUS - principles for delivery of external agency information

Principles for the sustainable delivery of external agency information or services to communities through local libraries.

Digital collecting

Information on digitised newspapers and guidelines for libraries planning to digitise and display collections.