Tech Savvy Seniors

Tech Savvy Seniors is a partnership between the NSW Government and Telstra, providing free or low cost technology training to seniors through NSW public libraries and community colleges. 

The program aims to help  seniors with little or no digital experience develop skills and confidence in using technology for socialising, accessing services or conducting personal business.  Training is fun and hands-on, and includes basic introductory courses on using computers, tablets, smart phones, the internet, email and social media. 

Training is offered in public libraries free of charge in English and other languages.  

The following web pages provide useful information about Tech Savvy Seniors for NSW public libraries. 

2021 Evaluation

Evaluation of the Tech Savvy Seniors Program Report

About Tech Savvy Seniors

The program increases digital inclusion, reduces social isolation and increases access to online information and services among older people.

Social impact of Tech Savvy Seniors

Read the Social Return on Investment Tech Savvy Seniors NSW CALD Report 2018

Training sessions and training resources

Training resources in English and resources for participants in English and a number of languages.

Promotional material

Tech Savvy Seniors logos and templates to promote your training sessions.   


A template to tailor for participants in your Tech Savvy Seniors sessions.


The State Library provides reports to Telstra and the NSW Government on the TSS program. Your feedback contributes to these reports.