Resources to support the Know your Drug Facts program

Items on this page relate to the Know Your Drug Facts program, a drug awareness program delivered in public libraries in NSW.

Order resources 

Drug Facts

You can view the Drug Facts collection items here or download and order from the Your Room website.       

drug facts postcard


You can order The Facts postcard using our online form.



Download resources

Do you know the facts poster - grey

Download and print these posters for your library display and/or event:

Do you know the facts poster - white

Download and print these posters for your library display and/or event:

Do you know the facts poster - yellow

Download and print these posters for your library display and/or event:

Drug Info social media page

The social media page contains content that you can use in social media planning including images and suggested text for social media posts.

Drug Fact questions

  • Download Simple drug fact questions - these questions can be used for games such as scavenger hunt clues, trivia and other learning and promotional activities.


Drug Info activity booklet

Use the Drug Info activity booklet for inspiration. The activity booklet features a range of suggestions for incorporating Drug Info into your library programming.

Drug Info activity booklet

Find the Facts workshop

The Find the Facts session provides people with an overview of drugs and their effects, discusses how drugs are classified according to their effects and the law. Through a combination of face-to-face presentation and workshop activities clients are introduced to the contents of the Drug Facts kit, including the booklets and A Quick Guide to Drugs and Alcohol, and are provided with a brief overview of the Drug Info website. The session also provides people with reference points to help and support agencies.

Scavenger Hunt

The Find the Facts Scavenger Hunt is a pre-packaged module that has two aims: to allow clients to discover drug and alcohol related resources in the library collections and use them to answer simple research questions, and to become familiar with the library/council building layout.

The Facts activity 

This group activity uses the NSW Health Drug Facts booklets and The Facts activity sheet. Instructions are included on the sheet.

Trivia night

Run a drug and alcohol-free trivia night in your library and incorporate the Drug Facts trivia questions as one round. Other categories could include: popular culture and books and movies about drugs or true crime.

Online game

  • Test Your Knowlege online game (Your Room, NSW Health)  - test your knowledge of drugs and alcohol. Answer drug-related trivia questions correctly to get to the finish line without losing any points.

Resources for Loan to Public Libraries

Fatal Vision Simulator Glasses

Image of Goggles

Fatal Vision® Simulator Glasses (aka "beer goggles") are specially designed goggles that simulate the impairment caused by alcohol.

The goggles provide the chance to experience how alcohol impairs a person's balance, vision, reaction time, and judgement.

It also includes a manual with suggested activities and lessonplans.

To request a loan please use this form (NSW public libraries only).