Schoolies promotion

With many students heading off to Schoolies after the HSC, you may wish to run a "Schoolies" tie-in promotion around responsible drinking/partying with your HSC events such as lock ins or seminars.

Ideas for Activities

Drug Info activity booklet

Use the Drug Info activity booklet for inspiration. The activity booklet features a range of suggestions for incorporating Drug Info into your library programming, including a section on young people.

Drug Info activity booklet

Standard drink pouring challenge

Use your standard drink resin kit to conduct a standard drink pouring challenge.

Ask participants to pour a standard drink of different alcoholic beverages into plastic cups (without seeing the resin glasses first) and see who can pour the most accurate standard drink using the AlcoCup to measure the results.

See the Know Your Standards Tool Kit for more ideas.

Make a mocktail

Use the Literary Mocktails recipes to host a mocktail making demonstration. Challenge library users to invent their own mocktail and share with others.

Order Literary Mocktail recipe cards here.

Beer goggle activities: Obstacle Course or 2v2 Soccer Challenge

The goggles simulate what it’s like being under the influence of alcohol and the different levels of consumption. It shows young people how the smallest and simplest of tasks are extremely difficult to perform when intoxicated.

The beer goggles kit includes a manual with suggested activities and lessonplans.

To request a loan please use this form (NSW public libraries only).

Resource Packs

Put together a safe partying/Schoolies pack to hand out during your events or to use for in-house library displays and promotions using Drug Info resources.

Drug Info showbags are available to order from Drug Info.

Pamphlets can be ordered online through the relevant service provider.


Staying safe at Schoolies - information for parents
  • Download and print PDF here.
Staying safe at Schoolies - stay safe and watch your mates

Tips for young people attending Schoolies. Includes information about alcohol.

  • Download and print PDF here.
Staying safe at Schoolies - what to do in an emergency

Information about drugs and their effects and drink spiking.

  • Download and print PDF here.

Resources to order

Standard drinks pocket guide

This business card sized pocket guide features illustrated standard drink measurements for light beer, full strength beer, red/white wine, champagne, spirits (shots and pre-mix) and cider (middy and bottle) as well as tips to keep safe.

Pocket guides are available to order for PDHPE teachers, school libraries, public libraries and other organisations.

Order Online


Resources for Loan to Public Libraries

Fatal Vision Simulator Glasses

Fatal Vision® Simulator Glasses (aka "beer goggles") are specially designed goggles that simulate the impairment caused by alcohol.

The goggles provide the chance to experience how alcohol impairs a person's balance, vision, reaction time, and judgement.

It also includes a manual with suggested activities and lessonplans.

To request a loan please use this form (NSW public libraries only).