Legal information social media campaign

Law Week is a nationwide initiative to promote community awareness and understanding of the law, the legal system and the legal profession. A young woman using a laptop

Courts, legal agencies, solicitors, barristers, police and of course public libraries are all encouraged to get involved. It’s a wonderful opportunity for you to promote the Find Legal Answers resources and service to your community. 

Anyone visiting your library may need legal information - they may be having a problem with their rental home, be going through a divorce, have a traffic fine they can't pay or are trying to negotiate a new fence with their neighbours. 

Libraries can provide information about many everyday legal issues. Posting on your social media channels is a great way to let your community know that the library is a source of legal information, and to let them know where they can find information and help.

Law Week is being held from May 20-26 2024. 

Use the suggested social media posts on your channels during Law Week or at any time of the year.

Social media posts  

A selection of social media posts have been created for you to share across your social media channels. Copy and paste the content and download the relevant image to share on your social media channels. The posts highlight content on the Find Legal Answers website and information from legal agencies.  

Are you dealing with a legal matter this #NSWLawWeek – like a noisy neighbour or making a will? Check out these free guides to help you navigate the law with ease: #NSWPublicLibraries #LegalAnswersNSW 
Want to learn more about the law this #NSWLawWeek? ‘The Law handbook’ is a practical guide to the 40 most common legal topics that you deal with in your everyday life. Get it online for free: #NSWPublicLibraries #LegalAnswersNSW
Got an issue with your neighbour this #NSWLawWeek? Check out ‘Neighbours and the Law’ – an easy-to-understand legal guide to neighbourhood issues and disputes, including fences, animals and noise. Get it free here: #NSWPublicLibraries #LegalAnswersNSW 
Want to learn more about the law this #NSWLawWeek? Check out ‘Rest Assured’ – a legal guide which helps explains wills and the legal processes when someone dies in NSW. Get it free here: #NSWPublicLibraries #LegalAnswersNSW 
Struggling with debt? 'Dealing with debt: a legal guide to personal debt in NSW'  helps debtors in NSW understand common types of debt and debt recovery processes, consider alternatives for managing debt issues, and respond to debt recovery action in the Local Court of NSW. Read it for free at your local public library or find it at #NSWPublicLibraries #LegalAnswersNSW #NSWLawWeek
Need help with a legal problem? Find sources of free legal help at: #NSWPublicLibraries #LegalAnswersNSW #NSWLawWeek
Representing yourself? Find information to help you resolve your matter and navigate the legal system at: #NSWPublicLibraries #LegalAnswersNSW #NSWLawWeek
Having a problem with your rental accommodation? Find information and advice here:  #NSWPublicLibraries #LegalAnswersNSW #NSWLawWeek
Having money problems? Find information and where to get help:  #NSWPublicLibraries #LegalAnswersNSW #NSWLawWeek
Do you know the 10 most common scams? Are scammers more likely to target you via your phone or email? What age group is most commonly scammed? Find out at Scamwatch #NSWPublicLibraries #LegalAnswersNSW #NSWLawWeek
Scammers are getting increasingly sophisticated in their attempts to get your money or personal details. Get some tips about how to protect yourself from scammers from Scamwatch #NSWPublicLibraries #LegalAnswersNSW #NSWLawWeek


You can use the images in the zip file below in your posts, or source images from paid and free image providers (for example, Pexels, Pixabay, Unsplash or iStock).

Package icon Legal information zip file

Website or newsletter article

Use this article on your website or newsletter:

You can find plain English books about the law at

The Law Handbook: Your Practical Guide to the Law in NSW has 40 chapters dealing with legal topics from About the legal system to Wills, estates and funerals 

Neighbours and the Law is an easy to understand guide to the different areas of law that are involved in neighbourhood issues and disputes, including fences, animals and noise 

Rest Assured: A Legal guide to Wills, Estates, Planning Ahead and Funerals in NSW explains wills and the legal processes when someone dies 

Dealing with Debt: A Legal Guide to Personal Debt in NSW  helps debtors in NSW understand common types of debt and debt recovery processes, consider alternatives for managing debt issues, and respond to debt recovery action in the Local Court of NSW

Find out where you can get legal help at