The Facts
Drug Info - The Facts
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Did you know that LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) was originally derived from the fungus ergot, which grows on rye and other grasses? It was first synthesised by a Swiss chemist, Albert Hoffman, in 1938. Find out more about LSD at |
Cocaine |
Did you know that cocaine is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant, but it can also be chemically synthesised? It is a stimulant drug, as well as a potent local anaesthetic. Find out more about cocaine at |
Methamphetamine |
Did you know that methamphetamine is a man-made stimulant drug - a more potent form of the drug amphetamine? It was first synthesised from ephedrine in 1918, and was also used during World War II. Find out more about cocaine at |
Cannabis |
Did you know that when cannabis is smoked, THC goes quickly into the blood through the lungs? It then goes to the brain and this is when the high is felt. This can happen within a few minutes and can last up to five hours from each time the smoke is inhaled. Find out more about cannabis at |
Ecstasy |
Did you know that there is some evidence that you can have a hangover effect after the effects of ecstasy have worn off? Symptoms of this include: reduced appetite, disturbed sleep , feeling down, muscle aches, and finding it hard to concentrate. Find out more about ecstasy at |
Did you know that GHB stands for gamma-hydroxybutyrate, which is a depressant? Although it is sometimes called liquid ecstasy it is not chemically related to ecstasy, which is a stimulant. GHB is a naturally occurring substance found in the body. Find out more about GHB at |
Cannabis |
Did you know that those who use cannabis regularly can take up to three months to have negative urine drug tests? Find out more about cannabis at |
Heroin |
Did you know that people who sell heroin often mix or ‘cut’ the powder with other things that look the same? Some mixed-in substances may have unpleasant or harmful effects. It is difficult to tell what additives are actually in the drug. Find out more about heroin at |
Inhalants |
Did you know that as the effects of inhalants begin to wear off, a person may experience effects such as headaches, nausea and dizziness? These effects can last for a number of days. Find out more about inhalants at |
Heroin |
Did you know that heroin was banned from legal prescription in Australia in 1953? Find out more about heroin at |
Ketamine |
Did you know that one of the more serious effects of using ketamine is that a user may unknowingly harm themselves? There is the potential for people to cut or burn themselves while using the drug. Find out more about ketamine at |
Cannabis |
Did you know that cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in Australia? It is made from the dried flowering heads and leaves of a plant called Cannabis Sativa. Find out more about cannabis at |
Alcohol |
Did you know that using alcohol at the same time as any other drug can be dangerous? This includes drinking alcohol while using medicines from the chemist or doctor. Find out more about alcohol at |
Steroids |
Did you know that there is NO benefit in injecting into the muscle group that is due to be trained on that particular day? Injecting into a particular muscle, such as calves, pectorals, or biceps can be potentially dangerous, and will not lead to any special growth in size of the muscle that was injected. Find out more about steroids at |
Cannabis |
Did you know that the short -term effects of cannabis can last from two to four hours, but the drug is stored in fatty tissue for anything up to four weeks? Find out more about cannabis at |
Methamphetamine |
Did you know that police can test drivers for recent amphetamine use? Anyone under the influence of speed, base or ice who kills or injures another person while driving a motor vehicle can be sentenced to a term in prison. Find out more about methamphetamine at |
Alcohol |
Did you know that significant penalties can apply if you sell or supply liquor to a minor in NSW or if you are caught underage drinking? Find out more about alcohol at |