Strategic Network Committee Terms of Reference


The Strategic Network Committee (SNC) facilitates liaison between the State Library and NSW public libraries for the development of collaborative activities of state-wide significance.

The Committee will:

advise on collaborative activities that promote, provide and maintain public library services for the people of NSW.
monitor emerging trends of potential relevance to NSW public libraries.
support the development and review of the NSW public library network through research. 
advise on the implementation of the NSW Public Library Network Learning and Development Framework. 
facilitate communication to the NSW Public Library Network through the NSWPLA Zone Secretaries.

The Committee does not consider or provide advice on funding, governance or policy matters. These matters are the remit of the Public Libraries Consultative Committee (PLCC), a sub-Committee of the Library Council of NSW.


  • 8 public library representatives – the NSW Public Libraries Association Zone secretaries
  • 3 representatives from the State Library:
    • Executive Sponsor (Chair) 
    • Head of Public Library Services
    • Consultant, Public Library Services (Secretariat)

The Committee may recommend the establishment of sub-committees or working groups for discrete projects.

Other public library and State Library staff may be invited to participate in meetings or project groups because of their specialist skills and experience. 


  • Minimum of two Ordinary meetings per year.  Meetings can be attended in person or by teleconference or video conference.  
  • Agendas and papers will be available on the State Library of NSW website, except for reasons of commercial in confidence content.
  • Special meetings may be called, with 4 weeks notice.
  • A quorum at all meetings will be five public library members and two State Library members.
  • The secretary will compile minutes of each meeting of the committee and email a copy to members. The minutes will be distributed as soon as possible following the meeting and no more than four weeks after the date of the meeting.
  • All minutes will be delivered via email.
  • Confirmed minutes will be published on the State Library Website.
  • Papers and recommendations may be considered out of session via email or conference.

Communication and reporting

  • Progress reports are provided to the PLCC and the State Library Executive. 
  • Recommendations on research outcomes and implementation are communicated to the PLCC, Library Council and the State Library Executive at the completion of each project. 
  • Progress reports on SNC projects and activities are provided by the Zone Secretaries to Zone meetings.  
  • The SNC actively seeks input and feedback on program initiatives from the public library network through the Zone Secretaries and the NSWPLA website.

Evaluation and review

The terms of reference, membership and achievements are reviewed annually.

The Terms of Reference were confirmed in November 2015.