Research Projects

The State Library works with NSW public libraries on a program that supports the promotion, planning and development  of research relevant to the library sector.

NSW Public libraries local studies audit

The State Library works with NSW public libraries to explore and develop local collections.

Building on the Bookends Scenarios

This report tracks how NSW public libraries have been travelling along the pathways developed in The Bookends Scenarios and presents a series of strategic options that libraries could implement in order be innovative, sustainable and resilient in the future.

Early literacy project

The State Library established a research partnership with the Institute of Early Childhood, Macquarie University with the key aim of supporting public libraries in NSW to be recognised for the early literacy services offered.  

Research into multicultural services in NSW public libraries

This report will explore to what extent public libraries in New South Wales are evolving to meet the changes in local demographics, service expectations, community needs and access to technology for non-English speaking members of the community