How to deposit

The State Library's legal deposit collection is a record of all the publishing activity in New South Wales, preserved for future generations. 

As a New South Wales or Australian Government publisher, you are required to deposit your works with the State Library. This also applies to self-publishers residing in New South Wales.  

Below is information about making a deposit for: 


NSW (non-government) publishers

The State Library requires one copy of all formats of a publication for legal deposit. If a title is published in both print and digital formats, the Library requires both versions to be deposited.

Print publications

Send one copy to:

Legal Deposit
Level 2
State Library of New South Wales
1 Shakespeare Place
Sydney, NSW 2000

Digital publications

Deposit one copy to the National edeposit (NED) service.


For questions regarding legal deposit:
contact the Library at or (02) 9273 1490

For questions regarding the National edeposit service and digital publications:
contact or (02) 9273 1619

Please note:

You may also be required to deposit your publications with the National Library of Australia, NSW Parliamentary Library, or the University of Sydney Library.

NSW Government publishers

The State Library requires one copy of all formats of a publication for government deposit.

Print publications

Send one copy, if a digital version exists, or two copies if only published in print to: 

Government Publications
Level 2
State Library of New South Wales
1 Shakespeare Place
Sydney, NSW 2000

Digital publications

Deposit one copy to the National edeposit (NED) service.

Publications made available to the public on media (eg DVD, USB, CD)

Deposit one copy in each format to:

Government Publications
Level 2
State Library of New South Wales
1 Shakespeare Place
Sydney, NSW 2000

Websites and social media publications

The Library freely collects available NSW Government websites and social media through regular website harvesting. The Library may request that government agencies deposit their publications using other methods. 

You can notify the Library of a new website or social media publication by contacting the Library at or at (02) 9273 1619.


For questions regarding the deposit of NSW government publications:
contact the Library at or at (02) 9273 1619

For questions regarding the National edeposit service and digital publications:
contact or (02) 9273 1619

Please note:

You may also be required to deposit your publications with the National Library of Australia, NSW Parliamentary Library, or the Western Sydney University.

Australian Government publishers

The State Library requires one copy of all formats of a publication for government deposit. 

Print publications

Send one copy of to:

Government Publications
Level 2
State Library of New South Wales
1 Shakespeare Place
Sydney, NSW 2000

Digital publications

Deposit one copy to the National edeposit (NED) service.


For questions regarding the deposit of Australian government publications:
contact the Library at or at (02) 9273 1490

For questions regarding the National edeposit service and digital publications:
contact or (02) 9273 1619