Virtual excursion for your class only
Excursion Summary
Stage 4
Stage 5
1 hour
We are now offering an exclusive experience for some of our most popular virtual excursions. This paid virtual excursion is for a maximum of one class at a time and offers a personalised experience for your students. This exclusive virtual experience will include:
- a one-on-one Zoom meeting with an expert Education Officer
- extended Q&A time
- a detailed source analysis activity with engaging scaffold
- activities that can be used for formative and summative assessment.
Available programs
Exclusive virtual excursion experiences can be arranged for the following secondary programs:
- Spotlight on Shakespeare (English, Stage 4 & 5)
Booking Details
$90 per class (maximum 30 students)
1 hour
Please complete the booking enquiry form below.
Bookings are essential, so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Email or phone 9273 1778.