Helpful hints to enjoy your excursion

These guidelines have been developed to assist students and teachers visiting the State Library of NSW to comply with the Department of Education risk assessment guidelines for excursions.

The State Library is committed to provide a welcoming and safe environment for research, study and learning.

Students experience is improved and learning enhanced when adequate supervision and adult interaction is provided by the school. All student groups must be accompanied by an adequate number of supervising adults. Our guidelines are:

  • Minimum adult to child ratio
    • Kindergarten – Year 2 - 1 adult per 5 students
    • Year 3 – Year 6 - 1 adult per 10 students
    • Secondary students - 1 adult per 20 students

The duty of care resides with the teacher in charge of the excursion.

  • It is recommened that all school bags are left on the bus or at school if possible. Bags are not permitted in the reading rooms or in the exhibition galleries. Students should avoid bringing valuables to the Library. The Library accepts no responsibility for lost property.
  • Please be considerate of all Library visitors and keep noise to a minimum in public areas.
  • Photography is permitted in some areas of the Library. Please check with staff and be mindful not to capture images of members of the public.
  • Please walk and do not run in the Library.
  • Students are required to use the stairs and not the lifts. Please use the handrails when moving up and down the stairs. Disabled access is available.
  • Students are required to stay under the direct supervision of their teacher and/or supervising adult at all times.
  • Eating and drinking is not permitted in the Library and we encourage school groups to make use of nearby outdoor spaces such as the Domain or the Royal Botanic Gargens. In the case of bad weather Learning Services staff will coordinate appropriate spaces for school groups to use.
  • Please bring a pencil as pens are not permitted in the exhibition galleries.

View our Risk Assessment and Management Plan to complete your risk assessment.

Please read our special conditions of entry before visiting us.

Reader and Visitor Code of Conduct