"Here's To'ee": Tapping the Tooheys Collection

6 September 2022

Scholar Talk: "Here's To'ee": Tapping the Tooheys Collection

Dr Lisa Murray - wearing a red, white and blue dress - is sitting on the marble steps of the Mitchell Vestibule.
Caption on bottom
Dr Lisa Murray

The Tooheys Limited collection, which comprises 300 volumes, provides an important counterpoint to the extensive Tooth & Co collections held elsewhere. Dr Lisa Murray will share some of her insights and discoveries from tapping these historical records, including the architects who were commissioned by Tooheys to redesign their pubs. She will also demonstrate the digital mapping she has undertaken of Tooheys tied-hotels, based on data extracted from the collection. This significant collection promises a deeper understanding of the way the breweries controlled the industry and influenced pub culture in New South Wales, and  demonstrates Tooheys position within that market.