Right to information: internal review

If you are unhappy with the State Library's decision about your formal application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 you can ask the State Library to review it. This is called an internal review. Requests for an internal review must be in writing and you must make the request within 20 working days from receiving notice of the State Library's decision.

You can also ask for an internal review if the State Library has not responded in writing to your application within 20 working days or within the extended decision period as applied under s.57 of the Act.

View s.57 of the Act

Internal reviews are conducted by an officer more senior than the officer who made the original decision. The State Library must complete an internal review within 15 working days of receiving it, which may be extended by up to 10 working days if further consultation is required.

Applying for an internal review by the State Library

To make an internal review application you must complete the Internal Review Application form and return it with the accompanying correct fee by mail or in person to:
Right to Information Officer
State Library of NSW
Macquarie St

View the PDF icon Internal review application form

Internal review fee: a fee of $40 is required and is to be made payable, by cheque or money order, to the Library Council of New South Wales. No fee is required in the case of a deemed refusal (meaning your access application was not decided within the required timeframe).
Note: please do NOT send cash by post.

Alternative means of review

If you are not satisfied with the internal review, or do not want one, you can ask for a review to be conducted externally by the Information Commissioner or NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

View the NSW Information and Privacy Commission website
View the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal website