

New Wifi mobile

Connecting to wi-fi

You can connect to the Library's free wi-fi in all areas of the Library. You don’t need a login, password or Library card.

  1. In your device’s wi-fi or network settings, select State Library of NSW from the list of networks.

  2. After reading the Terms of use, Accept and Connect to continue.

  3. Check if you’re connected to the State Library of NSW network in your device’s wi-fi or network settings.

Having trouble connecting to wi-fi?

Find a spot to sit before you connect

Moving around can cause your device to search for other wi-fi access points and may take longer to find the best connection. Depending on your device, moving while connecting could cause it to connect to an access point further away, reducing the signal strength.

Have you tried turning wi-fi off and on again?

Turn your device’s wi-fi off and then on again. Your device will then try to connect to an access point with a better signal strength.

Do you have another device?

Your other device may have a better wi-fi connection. Laptops will generally have a better wi-fi connection than tablets and mobiles. The wi-fi connection on a tablet is slightly better than on mobiles.

Do you have a static IP address set on your device?

If so, you will need to change it to DHCP. You only need to check this if you can’t connect.

Are you unable to access certain websites, file types or file sizes?

The Library provides unrestricted access to all HTTP and HTTPS services (browsing the web) however we do restrict some services for security reasons. For example, using the iOS native mail app (on Apple devices) is restricted. We suggest you access your email via the email provider's website and not via an app.

Wi-fi and security

The State Library of NSW wi-fi is an encrypted network, but as with any public wi-fi network, you should be aware that it is shared with others.

This means that you should consider what websites you visit, the online services you access and the data you send and receive.

We strongly recommended that you:

  • don’t undertake your online banking, shopping, or other activities that could expose your private information. Wait until you’re using a secure home, office or mobile connection.

  • only use websites that support https, which encrypt anything you send and receive from the website. When visiting web pages, look for a ‘https’ (‘s’ stands for secure) in the website address and the padlock icon.

  • install the latest operating system and antivirus security fixes, patches and updates

  • always have your personal firewall software enabled

  • disable file sharing to prevent any malicious users gaining access to your device

The Library assumes no responsibility for any damage, direct or indirect, arising from using the Library's wi-fi, including viruses, adware or spyware.