Digital Preservation

The State Library’s digital collections are diverse — they include born-digital materials, those produced in digital form, and digitised materials that have been created from physical collection items.

Digital preservation refers to the ongoing processes and activities that are required to ensure the Library's digital collections are available to those who wish to use them now and in the future. Digital preservation capabilities have been developed at the Library over a number of years, with work undertaken by multiple teams.

The Collection Preservation Policy outlines the Library’s duties and responsibilities for the preservation of both digital and physical materials.

The Digital Preservation Framework provides the technical details of how the Library will ensure continued access to digital collections over time.

Digital Preservation Framework

The Digital Preservation Framework (2022-24) identifies and outlines the processes and operational rules to preserve the digital collections of the State Library to ensure accessibility for future generations. It provides a mechanism to monitor and assess the Library’s digital preservation maturity, capability, and infrastructure to prioritise related activities and resources.

Download the Digital Preservation Framework (PDF)

Portable hard drives, records and floppy disks