Diarists from World War I
Browse the list of diarists.
- Addy, Francis
- Alcock, Thomas
- Alexander, Roy
- Allsop, Wilfred
- Alwyne, Charles
- Antill, John
- Armstong, John
- Arnold, Roy
- Atkinson, Thomas
- Avenell, Edith
- Bailey, Ernest
- Baillie, James
- Bainton, Edgar
- Baker, Charles
- Baker, H
- Balme, Gerald
- Barry, Leslie
- Bartlett, Ellis
- Bartlett, Leonard
- Barton, Brian
- Barwick, Archie
- Bean, Charles
- Beeken, William
- Bell, George
- Bell, James
- Bell, Roy
- Bendrey, William
- Benham, Alfred
- Bennett, James
- Benson, Claude
- Berry, Herbert
- Binnie, Kenneth
- Birbeck, Gordon
- Birdwood, W
- Blake, Frank
- Bleackley, Hubert
- Blundell, Richard
- Bolger, Joseph
- Booth, John
- Booth, Mary
- Bordeaux, Franz
- Bowler, William
- Bradbury, William
- Bray, Alfred
- Brewer, Francis
- Brewer, Hector
- Brierley, Norman
- Britton, Charles
- Brooks, John
- Brown, Allan
- Brown, Herbert
- Bryan, Edward
- Bungardy, Frank
- Burgess, Joseph
- Burgis, Frederick
- Burke, Eric
- Burrell, William
- Burrowes, Arthur
- Burstal, John
- Butler, John
- Byrne, John
- Byrne, Reginald
- Caddy, James
- Caldwell, Robert
- Camroux, William
- Cave, Harrie
- Choat, Wesley
- Cicognani, Harry
- Clarke, Eric
- Clarke, William
- Cleary, Thomas
- Cocks, Verner
- Coen, Frank
- Cohen, Benjamin
- Colley-Priest, Langford
- Compton, Albert
- Conroy, David
- Cooper, Gordon
- Copley, Harold
- Corrigan, Leonard
- Cox, Charles
- Cox, Rudolph
- Crampton, Wilfred
- Crooks, Thomas
- Cull, William
- Dains, James
- Darby, Leonard
- Darchy, Thomas
- Dark, Eric
- Day, Alfred
- Delmer, Frederick
- Denny, William
- Dewhurst, Stanley
- Donaldson, Alec
- Donnell, Anne
- Douglas, Lennox
- Doyle, Alec
- Drummond, Robert
- Dunlop, Leslie
- Dyer, William
- Edmonds, Frederick
- Edmondson, George
- Edwards, Alfred
- Edwards, Gordon
- Elkington, Walter
- Ellis, Alfred
- Evans, Maurice
- Fairall, William
- Farrell, Herbert
- Faulkner, George
- Fell, Robert
- Ferguson, Arthur
- Ferguson, Keith
- Fielding, Lucy
- Fielding, Morris
- Fisher, Culbert
- Flanagan, Edwin
- Fletcher, Archie
- Fletcher, Nora
- Fox, Stanley
- Franklin, Miles
- Freebody, Arthur
- Fry, Alan
- Fry, Dene
- Fuljames, Harris
- Fysh, Hudson
- Garling, Terence
- Geddes, Clifford
- Gibb, James
- Gibson, Hunter
- Giffin, Cecil
- Giles, Arthur
- Giles, John
- Gill, George
- Gillett, Walter
- Gillies, William
- Gilroy, Norman
- Gissing, Henry
- Goldrich, Robert
- Goodwin, Thomas
- Gordon, Alexander
- Gorrell, James
- Gower, George
- Grant, Douglas
- Gray, Arthur
- Green, James
- Gregson, William
- Greig, Malcolm
- Grinyer, Alfred
- Hall, Peter
- Halse, Ernest
- Ham, Alfred
- Hamilton, Ian
- Hamilton, Robert
- Hamilton-Kenny, Fred
- Hardy, Charles
- Hardy, William
- Hargreaves, Charles
- Harris, Benjamin
- Harris, Clarence
- Harris, Herbert
- Harris, Keith
- Harris, Robert
- Harslett, Cyril
- Hassall, Frank
- Hawkes, Thomas
- Hawkins, Geoffery
- Hawkins, Harry
- Hayne, Stanley
- Hedges, Frederick
- Hellmann, Arthur
- Hennell, William
- Herz, Max
- Hewitt, Hubert
- Hewitt, Thomas
- Hill, Gerald
- Hine, Arthur
- Hinsby, Montague
- Hockey, Reg
- Hodge, Percy
- Hogan, Joseph
- Holloway, Florence
- Holmes, William
- Holt, Oliver
- Horan, George
- Horton, Douglas
- Hughes, Geoffery
- Hughes, Geoffery
- Hughes, Roger
- Hurley, Frank
- Hurley, Percival
- Hutton, John
- Hyder, Laurie
- Hyman, Arthur
- Lambert, George
- Laseron, Charles
- Lee, Charles
- Leibert, Sidney
- Lemasson, Henri
- Lewis, James
- Liddle, James
- Lillie, George
- Lindsell, James
- Linton, Noel
- Little, Edy
- Loureiro, Vasco
- Low, Sydney
- Lowe, John
- Luders, Edward
- MacArty, Humphry
- MacCormick, Alexander
- MacDonald, Donald
- MacDonald, James
- MacKenzie, Ronald
- MacNamara, John
- Macrae, Gordon
- Maddox, John
- Makinson, Frank
- Marks, Douglas
- Marsh, Henry
- Marshall, James
- Martin, Edwin
- Martin, Jack
- Mason, Harry
- Matthews, Arthur
- Matthews, Harley
- McAulay, Roderick
- McCarthy, Sidney
- McClintock, George
- McGregor, John
- McKay, Leslie
- McKenzie, James
- McKinley, Thomas
- McLean, Archibald
- McLean, Hector
- McLean, James
- McMillan, Florence
- McMillan, Gibson
- McRae, John
- Meier, Fredrich
- Melly, Oscar
- Mercer, Harold
- Middleton, William
- Millar, Chirstopher
- Miller, Alexander
- Miller, William
- Milson, Stewart
- Minahan, Michael
- Mitchell, Keith
- Molony, Frank
- Monaghan, Charles
- Moncur, Percy
- Monk, Cecil
- Monteith, Hugh
- Moon, Eric
- Moore, Arthur
- Moore, George
- Moore, John
- Moore, Ralph
- Morris, Alfred
- Morris, Leslie
- Morris, Percy
- Morris, Robert
- Morrison, J
- Murphy, Thomas
- Murray, Ernest
- Nash, John
- Nicholls, Henry
- Nicholls, Thomas
- Nicholson, Wallace
- Nicholson, William
- Nield, John
- Nixon, Robert
- Nixon, Rupert
- Nixon, Victor
- Norris, Sam
- Northcott, John
- O'Donnell, James
- O'Hare, Ambrose
- Oakley, Olive
- Oakley, Riddiford
- Olsson, William
- Osborne, William
- Ottway, Lancelot
- Owen, Philip
- Palmer, Joseph
- Parkes, Henry
- Parsons, Henry
- Partridge, Darrell
- Paterson, A
- Pearce, Maurice
- Pearce, Norman
- Pearson, William
- Peden, George
- Peden, John
- Perry, Warren
- Peters, Charles
- Petersen, Jens
- Peterson, William
- Phelps, Edwin
- Phillips, Frederick
- Pickersgill, William
- Pines, Stella
- Playoust, Jacques
- Pockley, Brian
- Potter, Reynold
- Price, Benjamin
- Probert, John
- Pryce, Alan
- Pryce, Charles
- Pryce, Henry
- Pye, Joseph
- Pyke, Arthur
- Rainsford, Walter
- Ralston, Alexander
- Read, Clarence
- Read, Irene
- Read, William
- Reynolds, Wynfrith
- Rhodes, Oscar
- Richards, Roy
- Richards, Samuel
- Richardson, Leslie
- Riddell, Clarence
- Rider, Edwin
- Riley, Frederick
- Roberts, Francis
- Roberts, Thomas
- Robertson, Cameron
- Robertson, Mrs John
- Robertson, Otto
- Robinson, Christopher
- Rodda, Arthur
- Rose, Geoffrey
- Rosenthal, Charles
- Ruskin, Alfred
- Salisbury, Reginald
- Savige, Stanley
- Schaeffer, Louis
- Scheidel, Norman
- Schwinghammer, Verdi
- Scott, John
- Sheehy, D
- Sherrie, Noel
- Sherwin, Arthur
- Sherwin, Charles
- Sherwin, Frank
- Sherwin, Norman
- Shipman, James
- Silas, Ellis
- Simmons, William
- Small, A
- Smith, Arthur
- Smith, Claude
- Smith, Francis
- Smyth, Alan
- Sommers, Jack
- Sparke, Edward
- Sparkes, William
- Springthorpe, John
- Stanley, Malcolm
- Stettler, J
- Stevenson, Henry
- Stewart, Robert
- Strasburg, John
- Street, Lawrence
- Stuart, Leslie
- Stutley, Sydney
- Sullivan, Eugene
- Sulman, Geoffery
- Susman, Eric
- Sutherland, Leslie
- Taylor, Harold
- Taylor, Tom
- Tedder, James
- Tennent, Augustine
- Thistlewaite, Edith
- Thompson, Sydney
- Thorn, Percival
- Todd, Arthur
- Tomlins, Fred
- Towers, John
- Travers, Reginald
- Tucker, Henry
- Tunks, Ormond
- Turnbull, Peter
- Wagstaff, Cyril
- Walford, Dudley
- Walsh, Leo
- Ward, Eric
- Ward, Ernest
- Warneford, Walter
- Waterhouse, Jabez
- Waterhouse, John
- Waterhouse, Walter
- Watson, William
- Weir, Frank
- Wells, Donald
- Weston, Phillip
- Wharton, Raymond
- Wheat, John
- Whettam, Eric
- White, Thomas
- Williamson, Basil
- Wills, Fred
- Wilmot, Thomas
- Wilshire, Lionel
- Wilshire, Sidney
- Wilson, John
- Wilson, Robert
- Wiltshire, Aubrey
- Wittey, Leonard
- Wood, Bertie
- Woodwards, Harry
- Worth, William
- Wortmann, Otto
- Wright, Walter
- Wynne, Leslie
- Wynne, R