The world of Mickey of Ulladulla

Students learn about identity and diversity in both a local and broader context. Moving from the heritage of their local area, students explore the historical features and diversity of their community as represented in symbols and emblems of significance, and celebrations and commemorations, both locally and in other places around the world.
Key inquiry question #1: 
What is the nature of the contribution made by different groups and individuals in the community?

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Mari Nawi: Aboriginal Odysseys

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 To download the Mari Nawi: Aboriginal Odysseys transcript, click here.

Content summary

The role that people of diverse backgrounds have played in the development and character of the local community (ACHHK062)


  • focusing on ONE group, investigate their diverse backgrounds and outline their contribution to the local community using a range of sources.

Student Activities

Mickey of Ulladulla

Students examine a scene of Aboriginal life as drawn by Mickey of Ulladulla and identify items within the source.

Number of set tasks: 1

Aboriginal (Dhurga) word list

This activity is more challenging. It requires students to use higher order thinking to cross-reference information from the Aboriginal word list with objects they have identified in Activity 1.

Number of set tasks: 1

Activity notes for teachers

The changing world of Mickey of Ulladulla

This is a drawing by an Aboriginal man known as Mickey of Ulladulla. Mickey was born on the south coast of New South Wales nearly 200 years ago.  He was a member of the Dhurga people. People who knew Mickey described him as being disabled; he probably needed to use sticks or crutches to help him walk. The first European settlers came to the area around 1828 when Mickey was a young boy. When Europeans came to live in this area they changed the way Aboriginal people lived.  Mickey drew this picture in about 1880 when he was around 60 years old. Mickey’s drawing shows how Aboriginal life changed during his lifetime. Aboriginal people are shown wearing European-style clothes and hats. They are fishing from European-style boats, cooking in European pots and making items for Europeans to purchase. This picture is Mickey’s way of telling the story of how Aboriginal life changed after European settlement.

Mickey of Ulladulla

Location list

Mickey The man holding the broom for sale is probably Mickey. He was disabled and needed sticks (held in one hand in this picture) to help him walk.

There are about seven kangaroos. The three smaller ones amongst the trees in the upper left of the drawing are thought to be wallabies.

Wallaby Smaller than kangaroos (among trees on the left)
Lyre bird (Right) has a large coloured tail.
Echidna Two (top centre and right) with spiky backs.
Koala Has big ears and is in the tree on the left.
Goanna One is middle right and the other is climbing a tree (middle, top)
Possum Has a curly tail and is in the tree on the right.
Snake On the ground below two kangaroos (top left)
Horse Middle left and wearing a saddle and bridle - does it belong to the Europeans?
Dog In the centre of the drawing below the house.
Men fishing You can see the fishing lines and hooks hanging from the boat. The man on the right is hooking the shark into the boat and the man on the left is beating it with a stick.
Different types of fish Mickey has drawn different kinds of fish in the water. It's difficult to tell how many different types, but Mickey shows that they are a variety of fish. This indicates that he must have had good knowledge of the range of fish in the area.
Sharks Two sharks are visible, one in the water and the other is being drawn up into the boat.
Objects introduced by the Europeans The house and the boat. You can tell the boat is not a native canoe because it has a rudder on one end. The boat was given to the Aboriginal people by the Aboriginal Protection Board. There are also pots, brooms, a saddle on the horse etc.


Information for teachers:

Note: This activity is more challenging. It requires students to use higher order thinking to cross-reference information in Source B with objects they have identified in Source A. 

Aboriginal word Australian English word Information for teachers
tuggi no  
nawa yes  
ji come  
nobard go  
nonaga-weyou  What is your name?  
tewg-ah  bread Could describe European bread
mondagai meat  
marrah fish Write the Aboriginal word on drawing
burroo kangaroo Write the Aboriginal word on drawing
koona duck Ducks could be introduced by Europeans or native
ka au dee  tobacco Introduced by Europeans
yau yee  fire Write the Aboriginal word on drawing
boanbal wood  
warrang child  
niara look there  
yookun or coonjee  hut Could describe Aboriginal hut or European hut
cumboo gullock  bullock Introduced by Europeans
Euroka The sun  
Indeko The moon  


NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum History K - 10

A student:

  • HT2-2 describes and explains how significant individuals, groups and events contributed to changes in the local community over time
  • HT2-5 applies skills of historical inquiry and communication 


Comprehrension: chronology, terms and concepts

  • sequence familiar people and events (ACHHS065, ACHHS081)
  • use historical terms (ACHHS066, ACHHS082)

Analysis and use of resources

  • locate relevant information from sources provided (ACHHS068, ACHHS084, ACHHS215, ACHHS216)

Perspectives and interpretations

  • identify different points of view within an historical context (ACHHS069, ACHHS085)


  • pose a range of questions about the past (ACHHS067, ACHHS083)

Explanation and communication

  • develop texts, particularly narratives (ACHHS070, ACHHS086)
  • use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies  (ACHHS071, ACHHS087)
  • Significance: importance of an event, development or individual/group
  • Perspectives: people from the past will have different views and experiences

Learning across the curriculum

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures


  • OI.4     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies have many Language Groups.
  • OI.6     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have lived in Australia for tens of thousands of years and experiences can be viewed through historical, social and political lenses.


  • OI.7     The broader Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies encompass a diversity of nations across Australia.
  • OI.9     Australia acknowledges the significant contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people locally and globally.