Creative writing adventures
Excursion Summary
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In this special creative writing experience, students will use the Library’s collections as a launching point for their own writing. As students tour the beautiful Library reading rooms and galleries, they will stop at designated points to engage in writing activities designed exclusively for this excursion. Devices will be used to compose each creative piece, which will then be collated electronically for students and teachers to share and revisit on their return to school.
Curriculum outcomes
Stage 3
- EN3-UARL-01 Analyses representations of ideas in literature through narrative, character, imagery, symbol and connotation, and adapts these representations when creating texts
- EN3-CWT-01 plans, creates and revises written texts for multiple purposes and audiences through selection of text features, sentence-level grammar, punctuation and word-level language
Stage 4
- EN4-ECA-01 creates personal, creative and critical texts for a range of audiences by using linguistic and stylistic conventions of language to express ideas
- EN4-ECB-01 uses processes of planning, monitoring, revising and reflecting to support and develop composition of texts
Stage 5
- EN5-ECA-01 crafts personal, creative and critical texts for a range of audiences by experimenting with and controlling language forms and features to shape meaning
- EN5-ECB-01 uses processes of planning, monitoring, revising and reflecting to purposefully develop and refine composition of texts
Before you visit
Booking Details
$200 for groups up to 15 and $325 for groups of 16 – 30.
Monday - Friday during term time
90 minutes
Minimum Supervision Ratio
Kindergarten – Year 2 - 1 adult per 5 students
Year 3 – Year 6 - 1 adult per 10 students
Secondary students - 1 adult per 20 students