Feedback Q&A

How should I provide my feedback?

You can use our online client feedback form, which directs your feedback to the appropriate area. A paper feedback form is also available in the Library if you do not have access to the Internet.

Alternatively, you can either write (a letter, email or fax), telephone, or provide your feedback in person at any service point.

If you have a complaint that is serious or complex, it is generally best to put it in writing.

What if I need assistance to provide feedback?

We can provide you with assistance providing feedback or making a complaint. Just let us know how you would like us to help.  You can find more information on how we can assist on the Access and Inclusion page of the Library website.

Can I leave anonymous feedback?

Yes. The Library accepts anonymous feedback and will carry out an investigation of the issues raised where there is enough information provided. However we also appreciate the opportunity to discuss the issue further or to let you know the outcome of your feedback.

What is a complaint?

An expression of dissatisfaction made to or about an organisation, related to its products, services, staff, or the handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required. For information on the way the library handles complaints see the Complaint Handling Policy.

Can someone else make a complaint on my behalf?

Yes. You can have another person or organisation represent you in making a complaint and the Library will communicate with you via your representative. For more information see the Library’s Complaint Handling Policy.

How will I know if the Library has received my feedback?

If you submitted your feedback via the online feedback form and provided an email address you will receive an automatic acknowledgement by email. If you used another method and requested a response to your feedback you will receive an acknowledgement within seven (7) working days.

When can I expect a response to my feedback or complaint?

Generally, we will respond to your feedback within 7 working days.  If your feedback is a complaint our aim is to respond within two weeks. If this is not possible you will be contacted and advised on the progress and the likely response timeline.  If you would like to speak to someone about the progress of your complaint you can call 02 9273 1404 or email

Can I speak to someone about the progress of my complaint?

Yes, Library staff will be happy to provide more information on the complaint handling process or about the progress of a specific complaint. You can call 02 9273 1404 or email

If you submitted your complaint online you would have received an acknowledgment email with a feedback reference number. Please quote this reference number when enquiring about your complaint (eg. C10996).

What can I do if I am not satisfied with the response to my complaint?

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint you can request an internal or external review. For more information on how to request a review see the Complaint Handling Policy.

Where can I get more information?

Contact Us if you didn’t find the answer to your question here. For more information on the complaint handling process see the Complaint Handling Policy.

The NSW Ombudsman produces a range of resources and general information for the public including tips for making a complaint.