Representation sÿmbolique et ingenieuse projettée en siege et en bombardement, comme il faut empecher prudemment les attaques de l’amour (known as ‘The Attack of Love’)c 1730

by Matthäeus Seutter

Love is a battlefield in this unusual 18th century European map. Rather than depicting a geographic location, it imagines a siege on the male heart by the attacking forces of love under the command of General Cupid. The heart is kept in a fortress surrounded by the passionless Frozen Sea and defended with bastions that include ‘caution’ and ‘experience’. Cupid’s forces bombard the fortress with an arsenal of ‘little errands’, ‘pleasant conversation’ and other temptations. Eventually, the heart is surrendered at the Palace of Love. A note explains that it is easy to enter but few shall get out without leaving their freedom behind.