a pile of books on a shelf

Indigenous collection at Gunnedah Shire Library (NSW)

I am a public library staff member: how do I use this strategy?

For more information on the different components of the strategy read  how to use this strategy.                                                                 

Can you come to my library to train my staff on Aboriginal Family History?

The Library has a number of resources that can assist with training on Aboriginal Family History.

Please contact Indigenous Enagement if you have specific questions. 

Can I share with you feedback on the strategy?

Yes, we would love to hear from you! Please contact the Indigenous Services team to share your feedback and suggestions.

How can I share the work on my library?

We would love to have more information on your work and include it on this online page. Contact the Indigenous Services team to start a conversation, send images and experiences of your work. Also, you can use the #PublicLibrariesIndigenous or share on Pinterest

What does toolkit mean?

The Indigenous Spaces in Library Places Toolkit, which will be released in early 2017, is an online resource which provides suggestions, tools and resources to provide Indigenous services in public libraries. Contents will be related, for example, to how to establish relationships with your local Indigenous community, how to organise events related to Indigenous programs and events.  

Does the Library provide advice on which books to be collected?

As part of the Indigenous Spaces in Library Places Toolkit  we will provide advice on how to build and manage Indigenous collections. If you need specific advice on Indigenous collections of your library please contact the Indigenous Services team