Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference


The State Library NSW collects and preserves materials and evidence relating to our place in the world and makes them accessible to everyone in NSW and beyond. The Library exists in order to support and encourage research, debate, conversation, inspiration, learning and enjoyment. We welcome all people and strive to serve them all equally well whether they visit us in person on Macquarie Street, online, or through their local public library.

In 2015, the Library launched its first Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) which featured a key action to form a consultative committee. This Committee was subsequently formed in 2016 - originally titled the Inclusion Advisory Committee. In 2019, it was decided to merge this external group with the Library's internal Disability Committee to form the Accessibility Advisory Commmittee. 

Name of committee or board 

Accessibility Advisory Committee

Brief description of role 

The Disability Committee, composed both of Library staff and external members, will monitor the implementation of the Accessibility Advisory Committee and make recommendations to the Library’s Executive Committee so as to assist the Library in meeting its obligations to provide accessible facilities and inclusive services. The Committee has a purely advisory role.

Terms of reference

  1. Monitor the implementation of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) and update as required

  2. Recommend ways to make it easier to navigate the Library both physically and online

  3. Advise the Library about ways its services and offerings can be made more inclusive and accessible and make recommendations to the Library’s Executive when necessary

  4. Review the Library’s public programs and exhibitions and make recommendations where appropriate to ensure that they cater for people with disability

  5. Review feedback and data relating to readers’ and visitors’ experiences of the Library relating to accessibility.

  6. Advise the Library about communications relating to accessibility in publications, the Library’s website, Intranet and social media platforms and make recommendations when necessary.


Internal committee members will be staff representatives from key areas across the Library. External members will be regular users of the Library with lived experience of disability who serve in a voluntary capacity.


External Members

  • Dr Breda Carty
  • Mr Timothy Hart
  • Mr Mark Kunach
  • Ms Naomi Malone
  • Ms Gaele Sobott
  • Mr Mark Tonga

Internal Members

  • Senior Advisor, Government Relations and Strategy (Chair)
  • Coordinator, Information & Access
  • Coordinator, Volunteer Programs
  • Consultant, Public Library Services
  • Manager, Exhibitions and Publications
  • Digital Channels Leader
  • Online Resources Specialist Librarian
  • Curator
  • Library Assistant, Information & Access
  • Manager, Human Resources
  • Manager, Facilities


Senior Advisor, Strategy and Government Realtions

Frequency of meetings


Length of meetings

One and a half hours

Reporting responsibilities

Reports to Library's Executive

Review of committee

The Terms of Reference and Composition of the Committee are to be reviewed every 2 years.

Relationships to other committees


Review of committee

The Terms of Reference and Composition of the Committee are to be reviewed every 2 years.