The Dunggiirr Brothers and the Caring Song of the Whale

2022 - Winner


Judges' Comments 

In The Dunggiirr Brothers and the Caring Song of the Whale, author, illustrator and story-holder Aunty Shaa Smith invites the young reader to Ngambaa and Gumbaynggirr Countries on the mid-north coast of New South Wales. She takes them into the Countries’ story as family, to the beach and into the creation time.  

We are introduced to the story of the rising water and the how the Dunggirr (koala) Brothers, and their family saved the people by making a bridge that allowed them to walk back to their homeland. Yanggaay (the shark) and Gurruuja (the whale) explore the new Country. Gurruuja sings a song of love and respect for all living things that filled the people with these same feelings. Today, the people live this story of being saved by Dunggirr (koala) brothers and Aunty Shaa sings Gurruuja’s song of love and respect for all things.   

The Dunggiirr Brothers and the Caring Song of the Whale combines story and memory that ‘belongs to all times’, not just the past.  The book features a mix of artwork ranging from aerial photos of country, photos of people on country, hand-coloured photos and drawings and acknowledges the many people who participated in the Yandaara (‘shifting camp together’) project and ceremony for the book.   It takes the young reader on a journey welcoming them to Ngambaa and Gumbaynggirr Countries, on the mid-north coast and shows how  Aunty Shaa and the many participants in this story, live the story and the law that is in the story.  They invite the young reader to do the same.